![]() “Why are you helping the people in Guatemala when there are people in our own country that need help?” We can’t tell you the number of times we have had this question asked of us. It comes across as somewhat arrogant, as if they know better what we could be doing in our retirement, than what we feel God has called us to. Mostly, this comes from people who have not experienced the needs in a developing country first hand. But we are called to love “our neighbour” which (as I was reading to our Grandson in his little book The Good Samaritan, our neighbour is everyone). Primarily we go to share the Gospel, the good news. We also share the love of Christ in practical ways, with Gleaners food and medical help where we can. So many people in Guatemala are hurting. They are physically hungry and they are hungry to hear the word of God. They don’t have access to Bibles. They want to know Jesus. There is something about the suffering of people that causes them to reach out to God. In Canada, many people think they don’t need God and they do not want to hear about the gospel. In Canada there are safety nets for the hungry and universal healthcare but in Guatemala there is none, other than what ministries and NGO’s provide with the financial donations. Earlier this year, Lydia, our sweet Pokomchi interpreter told us “we have 92 villages who want to see your films”. The films referred to are The Jesus Film and The Hope, The Story of God’s Promise for all people. We have spent many long days visiting, by invitation, mostly Q’ekchi’ villages, showing the films, usually to a packed venue. The word has spread and now the Pokomchi villages are inviting us. It seems a daunting task considering these villages are in the mountains, and for many the road will be bad, and most likely it will be a hike into them. And yet, the invitation has been made. The commission given to every Christian is to go and to tell the world about Jesus Christ and make disciples. We are compelled by the love of Christ. After all, Jesus saved our life. In gratitude we live for Him. This opportunity has been presented to us, and so by faith we go. We want to be able to offer the gospel so that these people will have the opportunity to hear about Jesus. As it says in Romans 10:17 “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” We plan to get started in the next few weeks. Please pray for us as we work out the logistics. Please pray for connections with local Pastors who will be prepared to follow up with these villages. Gleaners food will also be provided to those most vulnerable in those villages, and medical needs as we can help. The last couple of weeks of November we will have the pleasure of sharing our ministry with some good friends from Canada who want to see what we are doing first hand. Some of this time will be spent coordinating details for our team arriving next spring to build a maternity house for midwives. These visits, from folks like you, are few and far between, but are such an encouragement to us. We also appreciate hearing from you by email!! We are in process of organizing the fourth container into Guatemala thanks to Gleaner volunteers and financial donors. The shipping date is tentatively Dec 20, 2018. Loading date at the Gleaners Plant will be Dec. 17 or 18. If you are looking for a year end donation please consider our ministry where 100% of the money we receive goes towards our ministry costs. Did you know that a school of 200 children can be fed 5 days a week for a school year with a donation of $500.00 or approximately $41.00 per month. Currently we have 13 public schools using the food on a regular basis, and we have requests for more. For many of these children it will be the only meal they receive that day. A few items on this next container will be for two other ministries as well as items for our daughter and son in-law as they move here with their three children. Please note the cost for the shipping of the additional items are paid for by those parties! Currently we have around $5,000.00 towards our next container, but by faith we move forward. Please consider partnering with our ministry We have a new look to our website. Check it out: www.seedstoharvest.ca Blessing. Denis & Eileen Donation options: - Online at Commission to Every Nation click: http://www.cten.org/denisnogue - Cheque's can be made out to: Commission To Every Nation Canada PO Box 22017 11500 Tecumseh Rd. E. Windsor, Ontario N8N 5G6 (indicate "Nogue" in the memo line) - United States residents: Commission To Every Nation P.O. Box 291307 Kerrville, TX 78029-1307 (indicate "Nogue" in the memo line) Like us on Facebook! Facebook at Seeds to Harvest Ministries/Denis & Eileen Nogue |
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February 2025