Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Dear Friends and Family, Several months ago we began a mission to visit all the students in the Pastor training program in their homes in order to get to know them better. We have just completed the visits and we are so glad we took the time to do this. In the fall, we will make the rounds again. They were encouraged by our visit and we were encouraged by their commitment, and it gave us a glimpse into the reality of their lives and the difficulties they live with, but also a glimpse of their love and commitment to the Lord. We could see the sacrifices they make in order to come to the Pastor training. We would appreciate your prayers for this group of men as they study over the next 18 months. We recently attended the new Church in Santa Marta, where we built our second maternity clinic. Sergio preaches at his own Church and then goes up to Santa Marta to preach. About a 1.5 hour trip one way for him. They had been asking when we would come, so we planned to go on Guatemalan Mother’s Day. Unfortunately that day the road was blocked due to some issues that arose in a village along the route, and guns were involved. Sergio recommended that we go back and we went again the following week They hold Church in one of the leader’s homes, and it was packed to the brim, with many people standing outside and watching through the windows and doors. Two couples came to the Lord that day and the Church is growing by leaps and bounds. We will be looking forward to witnessing some baptisms in the near future. Other news is that one aspect of our ministry seems to have taken on more of a prosthetics helps. As word gets out that we have helped a couple of amputees, we have had several requests for help. We hadn’t had the money set aside for this, but have made special requests in the past, and people have responded. We work often with a Guatemalan led ministry near us, especially in the area of food distribution after the hurricanes. They have a connection with a group of prosthetic specialists from the USA who want to come down to Guatemala and hold a clinic in the near future. So we are excited and hopeful that this will become a regular thing. Not only do some need prosthetics, but those who already have them often need maintenance and new silicone liners which are expensive. It is completely life changing for them and gives them the opportunity to take care of themselves and their families. Calixto, who we helped with a prosthetic leg and knee now runs his own business in the community of Campur in which he lives. He is also in the Pastor training program. Cesar who is a double amputee is able to work in the fields and on his little farm to help support his family. Before their prosthetics, they were sitting at home thinking their lives were over. I wish you could meet them and see the changes in their lives. Cesar and his wife and two boys live way up in the mountains of Quiche. The first time I met his wife she was so shy that she didn’t say a word to me. We recently took the 3.5 hour trip to go up and visit him. This time she ran out and gave me a big hug. She expressed several times her thankfulness for her husbands legs. We are back in Canada for the summer months. We are taking a bit of time to relax and enjoy some Canadian summer weather. We hope to get a container underway by September, and will be heading back to Guatemala mid September. We hope to get a chance to see many of you. We will be dropping by the Gleaners plant periodically as we collect things for the container, and will plan to stay and volunteer likely towards the end of August, not sure of our dates yet. Thank you for all the prayer and support you have given us over this past year. We couldn't do what we do without you. Blessings, Denis & Eileen Calixto, in front of his store in the town of Campur. German is our youngest student in Pastor training, at 17 years old. He is a talented guitar player and leads worship at his Church. Cesar is a double amputee. He is able to farm his property with his new prosthetic legs. Two couples received the Lord at the new Church in Santa Marta Pastor training
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February 2025