Dear Friends and Family "The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8 No matter what road we take, God will be one step ahead. The Bible says the Lord is always going before us. No matter what journey of uncertainty we encounter, God is laying out our path and preparing our steps. This past year the Lord had gone before us in some amazing ways. We arrived back to Canada in early June 2021 and quite honestly, because of all that is going on in the world, there were times that we wondered if we should have just stayed in Guatemala, but as the summer progressed, it became apparent that God had prepared amazing connections for us. In early June we were reading about how there have been a growing number of disruptions in the shipping industry. We thought it would be a good idea to contact the ladies who organize our containers and shipping to see what it was looking like to send a container in fall. We believe this was prompted by the Lord because they told us that the 40’ x 9’ high containers that we normally buy were quickly rising in price and were hard to come by and that the whole shipping industry was in disarray. So we prayerfully, on faith, made the decision to send a container in August rather than wait until fall. In fact we were told that it was a miracle that they were even able to secure a container for us. That in several months, only 3 came available, and 1 of those they were able to designate for us. Prior to the container arriving, we had already had several requests for food and medical equipment, so the needs remain great. We had some amazing acts of generosity during our time in Canada and we want to just share a few. One was that we first received a quote from a trucking agency that to pick up the empty container in Vancouver, bring it to the Gleaners in Lavington to load and then return it to the Port of Vancouver would cost $2,400. Costs had gone up and we expected that we would just have to pay that. Then another offer from a trucking company in Armstrong, Fox’s Transport, said they would do the entire job for $500. We don’t know the details behind that amazing offer, but are very thankful. We know that this probably barely covers the cost of their gas. When the container was loaded, we and the volunteers at the Gleaners that day asked the truck driver if we could pray for him and for safe passage for the load. He was very moved that we would pray for him, and said that he had never transported a load like this before and he was thrilled to be driving. God has truly gone before this shipment because despite the hindrances we have been hearing about in the shipping industry, our container has arrived in Guatemala, breezed through customs and unloaded in Coban just yesterday. We were blessed to have about 20 young men from a couple of other ministries show up to help unload the container. We camped up at the Lavington Gleaners for almost a week in August. During that time we met an amazing group, camping also, some from Alberta and some from Vancouver Island. They used to sing together in a quartet, and they meet every year at the Gleaners to serve. We were treated to some amazing singing in the processing room at the plant every day as we worked. It was also such a wonderful time of fellowship with a great group of people. (If you have never volunteered there, we highly recommend it, and they are always looking for volunteers). One day, one of the men from the singing group told us that he felt that the Lord was prompting him to raise funds to ship another container to Guatemala for us. What did we think? Wow! Well there is always great need and we are happy to take on the paperwork for another container. He has started the process of promoting this project and has set up an account for donations. If you would like to make a donation to that specific project, please contact us and we will provide the details. We don’t know when this will come to pass, but the Lord knows and we are trusting in His plan. We’ve been able to connect with a group of prosthetic specialists in California who are coming early November. They will be able to build prosthetics for two new amputees that we have met, and will be able to service the prosthetics of the two previous amputees that we have been able to help. We have said it before, but it is truly life changing for these men to have received a prosthetic. They go from being and feeling hopeless about their futures to being able to lead productive lives. Marvin, one of our Global Acción students for Pastor training will receive a prosthetic in November. Rafael, recent amputee of left arm and leg, will receive a new prosthetic leg in November. One other amazing act of generosity we want to share is that we had an anonymous donation of 25 portable radio devices, produced by Trans World Radio, in Ontario, with SD cards loaded with biblical material in Spanish/Q’eqchi’ as well as 5 in Spanish/Pokomchi. We will be able to provide each Church represented in our Pastor Training with one. They are used with success for sharing the Gospel in other parts of the world and can also be used in Children’s ministry as they come equipped with some good Biblical children’s stories. For more information you can read about them at The Pastor training is moving along successfully. It looks like we have lost one student, but the remaining 9 seem committed to staying the course. Please pray for them, that their commitment would remain strong. We are considering, and praying about starting another Pastor training session that would start in February. We would then have Pastors in year one and Pastors in year two to complete the modules. Sergio has had enquiries and so he will hold a meeting in the near future to determine how many would be interested. Please pray as we move ahead little by little to work out the details, and work out our finances as well. We will keep everyone posted as this progresses. We will be commencing the work with another missionary group in the community El Mirador this fall. This is the community that lost everything to a mudslide. We are anxious, as we are sure they are, to get water to the community, and some decent living conditions. We will keep you posted on that project. We were reminded once again as we returned to Guatemala how, in this country, life is so very hard for many. We can help alleviate the hunger and suffering for some and in that process, offer the gospel of Jesus Christ, who is our only hope in this world. It is a joy and a privilege to do so.
Thank you for your prayers and for your generous donations. Blessings, Denis & Eileen Nogue Seeds to Harvest Ministries P.S. Please check out the link for a short video that we put together of our last year of ministry in Guatemala. |
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