Amazingly, our experience in Guatemala is that the people are open to the Gospel. Every village in which food is received want to see the films we show. These include The Jesus Film, The Jesus Film for Children, and The Hope. The venue is usually a Church or community building, and sometimes open air, packed full with people from the very young to the aged.
One experience we had is that we were invited by a Mayan Priest to show The Jesus Film in the Catholic Church in his village. We told him that we are Evangelical Christians, that the film is about Jesus and salvation, according to the Word of God, the Bible. We wanted him to know up front what we are all about. He said “it’s okay, we are all open”. We showed the film, and one of the comments after was “I always knew that Jesus died, but now I know He rose again”.
One experience we had is that we were invited by a Mayan Priest to show The Jesus Film in the Catholic Church in his village. We told him that we are Evangelical Christians, that the film is about Jesus and salvation, according to the Word of God, the Bible. We wanted him to know up front what we are all about. He said “it’s okay, we are all open”. We showed the film, and one of the comments after was “I always knew that Jesus died, but now I know He rose again”.
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