The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Deuteronomy 31:8 There are moments when we sit back and marvel as we get a glimpse of what the Lord is working out in Guatemala, and we feel blessed and privileged to be a small part of His great plan. A comment was made recently by friends from Canada as we showed them our ministry, that the Lord has placed some special people around us, as helpers in the work He has put before us. We feel that way too and we can see so many times how the Lord has gone before us and has prepared our way. He has been so good and so faithful to us. We could not do the work without those special people who not only work alongside, but have become good friends We were invited, by a ministry in the mountains, to bring the film The Hope to a village that they had made contact with. Remote, they said, and no Christians in the village. It was an adventure, for sure. We drove for 45 minutes from the Pueblo of San Cristobal, Alta Verapaz, then got in a small boat for 45 minutes to the end of the lake. At the end of the lake we were met by the village leader who then led us for 45 minutes into the mountains. When we arrived at the village of El Zapote, it was dark and only the community leader and a couple of other people were there. We set up the projector outside the public school, and started the film. Within a short time, around 45 to 50 people were there, everyone from young to old totally engrossed in the film. In the end, two people said they wanted to receive Christ, and we believe many seeds were planted. The other ministry will be going back to this village in a week to do children’s ministry and the leaders of the village asked if we would return some time and show our other film, the Jesus film. We also visited two villages where the Gleaners soup is being used to help mothers and children who are suffering with malnutrition. These two villages are being monitored by a social worker for progress in the health of the children. The first village was very shy at first, but one by one the ladies started opening up and expressing their gratefulness for the food and the help. It was one of those moments that I would love to be able to share in all clarity with the faithful Gleaner volunteers and also to those who support our ministry. The gratitude expressed was just beautiful to hear. Another village visited, Caxlampon, was that of a blind Pastor that we met last summer. He had asked us if there was a possibility that we might have access to a Bible in Braille, as he only had portions of the New Testament in Braille. We haven’t been able to find a source yet for Braille, but we were able to bring him an audio Bible in Spanish and in Quec’chi’, which is his first language. It is powered by solar and can reach an audience of 200 people. Simple to use and can be held in the palm of your hand. Technology is amazing isn’t it? We also visited a few villages that have been identified by our Coban contact as ones being good recipients of a maternity house/clinic. We are just waiting for a couple of details, but we feel strongly led to one village in particular, Chitu. They all need a clinic, but we can only move forward with one at a time. We showed The Hope in Quec’chi’ in this village and it was so well received. At the end of the film several people took the opportunity to stand and say how beautiful the film was, that it was based on the Bible so it must be true, that they could see how Jesus suffered and died for us and it meant a lot for them to see this. All such very positive comments. One of the outstanding aspects of the gospel is the simplicity of the message. The message given is that salvation is simply a matter of acknowledging our need of Christ and looking to Him through faith alone to remove the penalty of sin and to make us citizens of Heaven. This is nothing short of amazing. It is this simplicity that is received so well in the villages we visit. Plans are moving ahead with our next container, being loaded Dec. 17 or 18 at the Gleaners Plant. At this point, we have about 2/3 of the cost covered. If you can make a donation, please see the details below. Prayer requests: Please pray for the village of Chitu and for all details to fall into place as we plan for our March team. (See photos of Aldea Chitu below) Please pray for the possibility of a second team for a second maternity clinic. There are some folks putting the word out to see if a small team would like to come. (We haven't told you about the village who have already prepared and levelled ground for a clinic, by faith, that someone will come and build. Made me think of the film “Field of Dreams”. See photos below) Our daughter, son in law and three grandchildren have arrived in Guatemala? Please pray for Leah and Chris and family as they adjust to life in Guatemala. So far, all is good, and such a blessing for us to have family here. The boys were excited to wake up in the morning and see Fuego puffing away in the distance and to see the bananas ready to be cut from the tree in our yard. We thank you all for your prayers and support. Blessings Denis & Eileen Nogue Donation options: - Online at Commission to Every Nation click: - Cheque's can be made out to: Commission To Every Nation Canada PO Box 22017 11500 Tecumseh Rd. E. Windsor, Ontario N8N 5G6 (indicate "Nogue" in the memo line) - United States residents: Commission To Every Nation P.O. Box 291307 Kerrville, TX 78029-1307 (indicate "Nogue" in the memo line) Like us on Facebook! Facebook at Seeds to Harvest Ministries/Denis & Eileen Nogue |
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February 2025