We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done” Psalm 78:4. Dear Friends and Family In conversation with our grandkids in Guatemala, as they expressed a longing to return to North America because some of their friends are returning, I had just been reading the above passage from the Bible that day, and it prompted a great conversation with them on how our callings are all different, but what is always best is that we heed the call of God on our lives. We have so many stories of seeing God at work in our lives and in the lives and circumstances of the people we connect with here in Guatemala. We have shared many of those stories in our ministry updates, and with individuals as the opportunity presents. It is a good reminder to reflect often, and tell others often, those stories, bringing glory to God. Here is a new story. In our last newsletter we wrote about Juan, a young amputee that lost his leg in a hit and run accident about a year and a half ago. Two or three days after sending out that newsletter, we were contacted by another missionary who said he had shared Juan’s story and he had a supporter who would like to pay for the whole cost of the prosthetic. Juan needed a knee, which is the most expensive part and they said they wanted to provide funds for a new one, not a reconstructed one. This generous gift will allow Juan to be able to work and live a more normal life. Juan is what I would call a nominal believer, but we had opportunity to talk about the goodness and grace of God with him as we got this process organized and brought him to the prosthetic clinic. Please pray for his heart to be fully opened to God. We said goodbye to our Alabama team a few weeks ago. Their teams have really been an amazing part of our ministry over the years, not just for the team members, but the communities are so blessed. The Alabama Shiloh Church have been a great support and encouragement to our ministry for many years now. They love the Lord and they come and serve with their whole hearts. Sometimes people ask how we got connected with a Church in Alabama, and we can only say it was a connection made by God. We knew no one from Alabama and we have never even been to visit their Church, although we hope to make that trip one day soon. Through a set of circumstances God brought our paths together with one couple, Jim and Lynne Burleson, and they and their Church have been a blessing to us and our ministry ever since. There were many impactful moments for that team and their eyes were opened to the difficult lives many people live here. The Alabama team, before they came had asked their Church if they would like to donate towards a food basket, enough for 35 families, which would have been for the new village we visited. Well their Church raised enough money for more than 75 baskets of food, which was provided to every family in the villages we visited. Preparation of Gleaners soup was demonstrated in a new village, Aldea Chimote. The soup, plus a gift basket of other types of food was prepared and given to each family of the Church by the Alabama team. A typical lunch of caldo gallina was prepared for the team, and of course fresh tortillas. Children’s ministry and a clear gospel message was presented in every village. Baskets and bags of food, one for each family. Thank you Sharon Israelson for sewing these beautiful bags. Before they came, God had placed it on our hearts to contact Pastor Francisco about bringing the team to his Church to do children’s ministry. Pastor Francisco was in our first class, and he is the reason we decided to proceed with a Pastor training program. Many years ago, we had shown our film The Hope at his Church, and after Sergio spoke to the congregation about the significance of Christ dying on the cross and what it means to be saved. Pastor Francisco then pulled Sergio aside and asked him if he could come and teach him from the Bible. As Sergio told us this story, he said that this is the reality here in Guatemala. Many of these men from the villages in the mountains feel called to Pastor, but they have no opportunity to study to be equipped for such a position. That prompted us to reach out to the group Global Action, who provide the Biblical training program and all the materials for free. 23 men and 2 women have graduated the program over the last 3 years and we are about to finish with a group of 4 who will graduate in June. We are looking to start a new group in September. Pastor Francisco was so encouraged by the team visit. We had mentioned to the team that his wife has been very sick and bedridden for many years. They asked if they could go pray for her and Pastor Francisco was happy to bring them to his home. He commented to the interpreter that it was as if the presence of Jesus had entered his home. It was so fun to see the smiles on the parents faces as they watched their children play, and they were encouraged to get involved also. Even Pastor Francisco had such a great time being on one end of the piñata as the kids took their turn to take a swing. Pastor Francisco enjoying moments with the children and the piñata. Pastor Francisco’s wife has been sick and bedridden for the last 6 years. In the absence of Sergio, Erick has made himself available to us as interpreter. We have enjoyed getting to know him. He is a very sincere young man, loves the Lord and has a passion for sharing the Gospel. He shared his testimony with both teams and he has an amazing testimony. On a follow up from a home visit made by our Alabama team we were able to bring a wheelchair to a 5 year old boy, Diego, with hydrocephalus who can’t walk. The wheelchair is a bit big for him, but we have filled out the paperwork which will enable him to get a fitted wheelchair from another ministry here in Guatemala, Beeline Wheelchairs, who do an amazing work providing wheelchairs for those in need around the country. This little guy is so cute and full of smiles and joy despite his disabilities. He speaks both Spanish and Q’eqchi’ and he was pretty excited about his new wheelchair. Erick visiting with Diego. Diego’s temporary wheelchair. It has been somewhat of a difficult season for us with the loss of Sergio and for awhile we weren’t sure where things would lead ministry wise. Change is always hard, but as said earlier, it has been a joy to get to know and work with Erick. Things are moving ahead. We now have 3 teams who want to come this next season, and Erick is busy getting the word out for a new Pastor Training class to start in September. The Church construction in Santa Marta is moving along. They have a big job ahead of them, but are committed. Please pray for them as a group. Just levelling the ground consists of breaking up rock by hand. This photo of the chisel in the rock that was taken on the Church site speaks volumes. Testimonies being shared at the Santa Marta Church site.
Thank you all for your continued prayers for us. Blessings Denis and Eileen |
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