“Fuego volcano - current status erupting”, has been the status lately as we check a monitoring website. Throughout the day we see plumes of ash shoot out periodically but it is during the night, when we hear a “boom”, our windows rattle a little, we look out and see Fuego in all its glory.
It’s a little unnerving to live this close to an active volcano, but at the same time we feel privileged to be able to view such an incredible part of God’s creation. Reminds us of the verse in Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Just one of the many things in this world that, we think, are there to make us take notice. The power and unpredictability of this volcano has already shown itself. And yet, we see many people moving back to what was familiar territory for them. There are still many humanitarian groups and missionaries working with the affected people. We’ve had the opportunity to visit, several times now, the village of Chitu where a Maternity House/Clinic is being constructed. Things are moving along quickly and they hope to have the majority of it done by the time our Alabama team arrives on Mar 2. They have generously sponsored this project and will be able to help with some of the finishing as well as participate in some children’s ministry. This will be a great blessing to the community as well as several communities around. This is a village with no power, no water, no school, no Church, but will now have a clinic. On a previous visit to Coban, we were invited to meet the Dr. who is the director of the remote health clinics in this area. He gave his endorsement and said that they will provide two nurses to serve in that clinic for those communities. We were reminded recently of the need for clinics such as this, when a young woman who was the daughter of a new friend, died giving birth to her second child. She was in the mountains, wanting to give birth at home when something went terribly wrong. The midwives tell us that the statistics are high for deaths of babies and mothers in these remote communities. So very sad but a reality in so many of the mountain communities. It has been great to have Chris and Leah here and the grand-kids are settling into life in Guatemala. Chris and Leah have jumped into ministry with us and Denis recently took the opportunity to show them our area of ministry in some of the villages around Coban, while Grandma babysat. They had opportunity to show The Hope in a Pokomchi area and it was well received. Also, Chris has been helping with a very poor village down near the coast. There are just so many opportunities to step in and help. We are so thankful to the North Okanagan Valley Gleaners for providing not only the food, but the medical items that we are able to supply to address so many needs. We also thank all of our financial supporters, for God has placed it on your hearts to help, and we could not do this without you. We also thank you for your continued prayers. Blessings Denis & EileenDonation options: - Online at Commission to Every Nation click: http://www.cten.org/denisnogue - Cheque's can be made out to: Commission To Every Nation Canada PO Box 22017 11500 Tecumseh Rd. E. Windsor, Ontario N8N 5G6 (indicate "Nogue" in the memo line) - United States residents: Commission To Every Nation P.O. Box 291307 Kerrville, TX 78029-1307 (indicate "Nogue" in the memo line) Like us on Facebook! Facebook at Seeds to Harvest Ministries/Denis & Eileen Nogue |
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February 2025