“If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with action and in truth” (1 John 3:17–18). Seeds to Harvest Ministry Update - June 2024Since our last Ministry Update we have had a busy couple of months, so we wanted to take a moment to give you a little update before we head back to Canada. At the end of April we took a week to go and visit our daughter, son in law and 4 grandkids in Wisconsin. They are at such a fun age, and growing up so fast, and of course it feels like we don’t see them often enough. It was an awesome week and went by way too fast. They even got us on their trampoline to play a game called ‘flip the bacon’. Of course we were the ‘bacon’. Denis being the bacon In early May, the village that we live in, Chicuxab, elected new leaders, so we took the opportunity to have them over to meet and establish relationship with them. We wanted them to know that if there are needs of food in the community, we are willing to help, through their leadership. We were able to provide food to be used at the school and some much needed equipment in their kitchen. We met with a dozen or so ladies who do the cooking at the school and did a Gleaners soup demonstration. The many Moms who volunteer their time to cook for the 250 children who attend the school in Chicuxab.Several ministries that we have connected with have requested food over the last couple of months so the food supplies in our container are dwindling quickly. Food prices have steadily risen over the last few years and in the more remote areas, people are struggling. We had first hand experience of this as we visited the home of one of our students who lives the furthest away. We offered to bring food for the neediest in his community. We have made a second trip out there recently because of the need. One of the most difficult cases we met was through the request for a wheelchair. Rolando, who is 36 years old spends his days in a bed and other than moving from side to side a little, he can’t move unless someone helps him. He has had this disability from birth. We arrived at the home where he lives with his brother, with a wheelchair, a tilting one in great shape but quickly realized that he needs a specialized custom fitted one. His back and body are so twisted and he doesn’t bend at the waist anymore. So, with instructions from a wheelchair ministry, we learned how to measure him so they can build one for him, and he is on a waiting list for a custom fitted one. During our visits with him, we learned that he is fluent in Spanish and Q’eqchi’. He reads in both languages, has a great sense of humor and he was a joy to visit with. The wheelchair we brought for him isn’t suitable because of Rolando’s twisted body, but he is on the waitlist for a custom fitted one now. Our Pastor Training program had a late start last year … but the students said if we were willing they would like to study hard and complete the course by the end of May, which they did. A beautiful graduation was held for them on June 1, and now Erick, our Q’eqchi’ translator and teacher of the Pastor training is actively looking for students to start anew in September. Singing “How great thou art” in Q’eqchi’ We are considering sending another container of food and another container of medical. We just gave out our last wheelchair. There is such a great need and in many cases it offers them a chance to be able to sit outside rather than be in a bed. Many mattresses were given out to elderly who live in pretty dire conditions. It is such a blessing really to be able to offer a little comfort to some of these people. We also had opportunity to visit the home for the elderly and abandoned that we connected with a few years ago with the Church we are attending. These visits are such a blessing for them and for us equally as much. Erick shares the gospel faithfully with not only the residents, but also with the Q’eqchi’ nuns. We are reminded of Romans 10:17, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And, Hebrews 11:6, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. We had a beautiful visit with Yeimy and her Mom. They go to Guatemala City next week for her six month check up. She looks well and we pray for continued good check ups. We are in the preparing and planning stage to begin a pilot project (pending donations)in the village of Tanchi (Erick’s village) for vented wood stoves. He has 25 families ready to sign up. We would love to have some people who would be interested in fundraising for this project and we hope to interest some teams to come to Guatemala to assist with the installations. We are asking each family receiving a stove to pay Q300 ($55 Cdn.) and provide 12 cement blocks which act as a base for the stove and the rest would be fundraised, at a cost of about $180 Cdn. Or $130 USD, per stove.
The need is great need throughout Guatemala and many health issues arise because of so many who still cook over an open fire. The people would love to have a healthier and safer stove but so many cannot because of poverty. Please email us if you would like to participate or donate to this project or just receive more information. Thank you for your prayers and we look forward to connecting with many of you over the summer. Blessings Denis and Eileen Nogue |
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